Debbie Yuen
Debbie Yuen
Debbie Yuen as Candida in
(2005-2006 Season)
The Mikado, The Gondoliers, Ruddigore, H.M.S. Pinafore, The Sorcerer, The Pirates of Penzance, Yeomen of the Guard (Scarborough Gilbert and Sullivan Society)
Critical Acclaim:
"Debbie Yeun's whipped-cream and knives portrayal of the nurse who doesn't liker her authority questioned is one of the wonders of this production. The way the piece is written she could be viewed as the villain, but her portrayal is one so dominated by control and order that even if you don't sympathize, you at least understand where she is coming from." (North York Mirror Review of
One Flew Over the
Cuckoo's Nest)